Building Trusted Parent Community
Join nearby network of trusted parent community to share your kid's care and schedule playdates, while you wine & chill !!
Simplified Parenting for your family
Schedule play dates
Find play dates for your child's social and physical wellbeing. Play together !!
Build your parenting network
Parenting is 24/7 job, build your trusted network to support each other.
Collaborative child care
It takes a village to raise a child. Share after-school care, last minute care sittings with your trusted network.
Neno for Employers
Support your employees while they balance raising children and being awesome at work.
How it works
Neno allows you to simplify parenting by organising play dates, receive support from trusted parenting network.
Finding Playdates
Quickly discover & schedule play dates for your children at your convenience. Meet with like minded parents.
Build Trusted Parenting Network
Build your trusted parenting network, receive and gift care, share learnings, support each other in your network.
Neno for work
Empower your employees by balancing work & parenting leading to increase in productivity and satisfaction at work.